Multiple Moving Bookmarks (aka Tabs)

March 31, 2022

At the time of last month’s ACIM CE App update I was in the midst of proofing the ‘Workbook’ audio files which had been recorded last year. I’m delighted to say that the process has been completed and, a few weeks ago, Robert and Emily were able to take the notes to the studio to re-record the (few) errors and sound quality issues I found. This means we will be able to include audio recordings of the entire Workbook in a future version of the app, so you will be able to listen to all Lessons from within the app, as well as reading them yourself. 

Our developer, Peter, has just returned from a well-earned break in Spain, and is liaising with sound engineer Joe to integrate the new audio files into the app and working on the advanced search options. Meanwhile, Will has been fine-tuning some of the design elements you’ll see in the first version of the app, such as the highlighting and navigation tools. 

We are particularly looking forward to share our new ‘tabs’ functionality with you. This is an advanced multiple moving bookmarkstool which Peter has designed in response to the way many of us work with our physical copies of the book. I don’t know about you, but I have a bookmark for my daily Text study, another for my Text Study Group, and one for Wednesday’s Text classes. I also have various others for things I want to come back to later. These bookmarks are not permanent - they move with me as I progress through the Text.  The ‘tabs’ functionality will make it really easy for me to do that within the app, and I’m sure you’ll find various ways to use it too.

By now, you’re probably getting a sense that this is a project with a lot of moving parts and involving many people. In addition to the design, development, and audio recording already mentioned, there are other things going on behind the scenes too. For example, Sandra - one of our most experienced volunteers - is double-checking and re-formatting the Workbook practice reminders Robert produced for the app. Mary Anne is working on something (exciting) for a later version. As well as being project manager, I’m now working on the audio files for the Text which will also be included at a later date. This really is a team effort and it’s such a pleasure to be a part of it.

Of course, none of it would be possible without you - this project is largely funded by your donations. We appreciate every single one - whether it’s just a few dollars here and there, or a larger one-off contribution. If you would like to see the list of contributors, or to make a (further) donation yourself, please visit our Donations page

With love, 
Sarah Knight 
Circle of Atonement 

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