What's Been Happening?

December 23, 2021

Since we sent the A Course in Miracles CE app prototype to donors a few months ago, we are sad to say that both the original Project Manager and our Developer have stepped back from the project (following a bereavement, and illness). Despite the fact that these unforeseeable circumstances caused significant delays to the development schedule, in November we started internal testing of the app and hoped we might find a way to get the first phase of development ready for January. 

Unfortunately, this is not possible. As a result of rigorous internal testing, we now have a list of bugs to fix as well as further changes that need to be made, in particular to the Workbook practice reminders. Our vision for these practice reminders is uncompromised: We would like the app to have pre-set reminders that align with the instructions in all 365 Workbook lessons. As an example, if the Workbook lesson says to practice every hour on the hour, the app will remind you of your practice every hour on the hour.

As it stands, we have a clear picture of how the practice reminders will work and we are in discussions with a new developer - who happens to be a Course student - about the best way to make it happen across iOS and Android devices. 

What’s happening next
Once these changes are made and internal testing is successful, we will be inviting a wider group to try out the app and provide feedback. 

The CE app has been much requested and we have big plans for it, yet we realise that in order to get a highly functional and beautiful app into the hands of the many students who are waiting to use it, we need to narrow our focus to three main features for the initial launch:

  1. Reading the Complete and Annotated Edition (CE) with ease
  2. Searching all volumes efficiently
  3. Practicing the Workbook as intended

Will has put together a short video about these three main functions: 

Please note that the CE audiobook will not be in the initial launch of the app. We know this is a much-anticipated feature, and look forward to including it in a later phase of development. In the new year, we will be asking for community input on some of the things that we are working on, and we will continue to keep you updated as we go along.

As a result of the delays and issues with the reminders, we are now facing additional work and increased costs, so if you feel guided to offer a donation (of any size) to help us continue to fund this project, we would be most grateful - you can make a donation here.

On behalf of Will, Robert, Emily, myself and all at the Circle, we would like to thank you again for your ongoing support - we couldn't have started this project without you.

With love

Sarah Knight
Circle of Atonement 

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